Two women sitting at a table with coffee.

Look who’s on “This is us TV”!

Pennsylvania conference for women


It was so much fun chatting with Cheldin fromThis Is It TVbooth!#ScreamYourDreamduring thePennsylvania Conference for Women


We had a great day at Pennsylvania Conference for Womenand

Valorie did an amazing interview with Cheldin take a look!


click below

Interview with This is it TV with Cheldin and Valorie


A collage of pictures with a woman and olive oil.

Favorite Facial Cleanser: Pure Love

A collage of photos with the words " the perfect summer accessory " and an image of a woman spraying water from her mouth.

The Perfect Summer Accessory!

“Did You Mist Me?”

A spray bottle of hair product with red floral design.


  • naturally soothes with moisturizing Hylauronic acid,Vitamin B5 and Vitamin E

  • spray your face before make-up

  • spray body to soothes eczema

  • stops itchy dry dermatitis

  • great for after sun tight skin

A group of people in the pool with hats on.

Girlfriends are your Tribe!

We want to hear about your tribe, so tell us about your Girls weekend!

“when you find people who not only tolerate your quirks but celebrate them with glad cries of “ME, too!” be sure to cherish them because they are your tribe”, Sweatpants and Coffee

“girls weekend with old friends isn’t just a vacation, it’s a reality check with the people who know you the best”,Angie Frederickson, Huffington Post

“the universe must have known that we were perfect complements … they are still our dearest friends” , Angie Frerickson, Huffington Post

Our tribe of 16″the Wild Women “as we’ve been dubbed, have been celebrating our girls weekend for 29 years, on the third weekend in July every year.And most of our tribe have been together since high school and some since grade school. We have made the commitment to each other to hit the pause button on our lives, etc. to share 3 to 4 days or more some years to laugh, cry, and laugh some more!

Valorie and I have been fortunate to have an amazing tribe of women for the past 40 plus years that we call true friends! Here’s what we like to know about your girlfriends group:

  1. send us a picture of your tribe/girlfriend group
  2. tell us about how your girls group and how you got started
  3. how many years has your group been together
  4. where and when do you meet (same place every year, just for dinner, etc.)


We will gather all your stories and pick two 2 of our favorites. The winners will receive a gift bag full of goodies for your group to share.

Send us an email about your girls weekend.

Click the link below or copy and paste in your browser

and put GIRLFRIENDSsubject line.

Submit your Girlfriends stories by July 4, 2018.

A badge that says we support military families.

Supporting Our Military

MILLIEis an online community and digital marketplace that connects members of the military and their families with specialized knowledge and trusted resource providers to remove the stress and anxiety of PCSing. Check out MILLIE’s Installation and Neighborhood Guides, our network of Veteran and military spouse Realtors, and Scout, our on-demand task service composed of military spouses.


Albertini International is proud to partner with Millie in supporting our Military families!

Millie’s Sponsor Spotlight-Albertini International


As business owners and citizens, we benefit directly, every day, by living in a great country and free society that is protected and defended by our military. The least we can do is to provide them some support. Whether we donate time, products, or just share a cup of coffee with a service member, we hope that in some way we can show our gratitude. And we hope that, in some small way, we can make a difference in their lives. The stresses military families and personnel face as they deploy, relocate their families, and move away from dear friends can affect many aspects of life – even down to one’s skin.

So, during those stressful times, we suggest individuals find some “ME” time and pamper their skin with our Albertini Skin Products! It might be that little thing at the end of a tough day that will make your skin feel good and ready for the challenges of tomorrow!



Support our Military!

Enter code MILLIE at checkout when you purchaseany of our products andreceive FREE shipping.





A picture of some snow on top of a mountain.

Winter Skin Tips

Tip #1 Chilly Mornings and Warm Showers

On a chilly morning, a warm shower feels great. The longer you stand under that hot water the drier your skin becomes. Additionally, in most parts of the country the humidity is lower, which also makes your skin feel dry. Keep your shower shorter and cooler for better winter skin.


Tip #2 The Heat is On!

The heat is on and my skin instantly feels tight. The change in the humidity level indoors makes our skin feel rough when we turn on the heat. Our hands seem to become dry overnight, especially the cuticles . Before bed, wet your hands and apply Divine skin hydrator. The vitamin B5 and shea butter in Divine help hold in the moisture and protect your hands. Divine Skin Hydrator

Tip #3 By January our skin is feeling the effects…

Regardless of where you live, by January our skin is feeling the effects of the super dry climate of Colorado or the overheated buildings of New York. These effects include itchy backs and dry arms and legs, even for those with oily/combination skin on their faces. The rest of our bodies become dry. To remedy this you need to hold the moisture in your skin, which makes your skin feel better immediately. Natural Moisture Factor

Tip #4 Do you like to wear socks to bed in the winter?

If you like to wear socks to bed in the winter, multitask by doing a foot-saving treatment before bed. First, grab your favorite scrub, and do my favorite thing – exfoliate. In the shower or tub, use a scrub on your feet with lots of grit, not one that dissolves when you add water (what good is that?). Pat dry and add moisturizer (Divine skin hydrator). Next put on your socks and be careful to not slip on your floor. Divine Skin Hydrator

Quote: “Good skin care is not about the newest ingredient discovery or best new laser treatment. It is all about consistent, long-term maintenance. Beautiful skin at 40, 50, or even 70 is a little about the genes you received from your grandmother and a lot about moisturizing, sunscreen, and my personal favorite – exfoliation.”

If you didn’t start at 20, START NOW, no matter what your age.

Skinny on Skin Tips for All Seasons


 Tips to Better Skin

  1. Get moving!

Better circulation equals better skin. Get out in the beautiful spring weather. Plant flowers or better yet veggies Walk around your yard or better yet walk around the block. Poor circulation leaves your skin dull, dry and compromises its barrier function that moisturizes and protects us. It can be complicated by diabetes and other medical conditions.


  1. Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate!

Getting rid of those dead skin cells whether it’s your body, face or feet is important. Removing dead skin cells allows everything you apply to your skin to work more effectively. This means applying anything to your skin like moisturizer, foundation, sunscreen, etc. will be applied better and evenly when your skin has been exfoliated.


  1. Commonsense and Sunscreen

There are two types of sunscreen ingredients. One type is physical (zinc oxide, titanium dioxide). They are the white creams lifeguards wore on their noses and this works like putting on a shirt. The other type works in your skin absorbing the sun’s rays. There is a long list of these and they don’t feel as sticky when applied, a few of these may cause sensitivity. Many sunscreen products are a combination of both types of these ingredients. So use common sense and find the one you like. Re-apply often if you are at the shore (the beach for those of you not from the east coast). If you are in the office use a good 15-20 SPF on your face, add more where needed.


  1. Taking Care of your Tootsies!

Get the old dead skin cells off… Gently use a foot file on calluses. Over doing it can make your feet sore. Use a good gritty scrub, we like Face and Body Scrub (not lotion with little bits of scrub) rub all over feet then follow-up with hydration. Apply Divine Skin Hydrator while feet are wet. Put on socks and you’re ready for bed. (Feet can be slippery so be careful)


  1. Better Body!

Yes, your legs can look better no matter what your age. Improving the skin’s texture gets your legs ready for summer, because your largest beach accessory is your skin. For Fabulous legs and smooth arms exfoliate then hydrate. Get the dull winter skin off with a gritty scrub not a wimpy one that’s all lotion and no grit. Hydrate with unscented Divine Skin Hydrator. This dries clean and holds moisture in your skin for 24 hours for a polished skin. This also evens your skin’s porosity creating an even surface for self-tanners.


  1. Regular Exfoliation = Better Skin!

Even in the summer, exfoliation is important but it makes the skin more sun sensitive. So be cautious. Exfoliation can range from aggressive a’ la peels and dermabrasion, to ineffective scrubs. New combinations of fruit enzymes; pumpkin, papaya and pineapple can effectively gobble up dead skin cells leaving the skin smooth and can be used on a regular basis. Whether you are fifteen or fifty, consistently exfoliating leads to better clearer skin. Flawless Natural Hydrating Mask & Facial Polish contain these three enzymes and a moisturizer.


  1. Is your medication causing dark spots on your skin?

Pigmentation is fueled by sun exposure and many medications make skin more sun sensitive with long term implications. For example many birth control pills can cause dark pigmentation that looks like age spots and miasma (mothers mask). Many young women end up with dark mustaches no one warned them about from sun exposure and birth control; read the fine print. Try Vitamin C Facial Serum


  1. Dehydrated Skin

Dehydrated skin in the summer is different than the winter. In the winter the dry air and heat leaches moisture from our skin. In the summer the sun, pool and beach contribute to dryness and sensitivity, (think how your skin feels after a day at the beach). To remedy this you need to hold the water in your skin, I recommend products that are applied to wet skin, with vitamin B5 and sodium pca. These 2 components are part of the Natural Moisture Factor which exist in your skin’s barrier to hold in moisture. Shea butter is also soothing and avoid fragrance whenever possible.


  1. Hyaluronic and Vitamin C Serums

For years we have used Hyaluronic Serum for our face, now we have one for our entire body. Hyaluronic Acid has the ability to decrease the appearance of wrinkles, improve skin hydration, elasticity and keeps skin looking firm & youthful.

Vitamin C serum with collagen-boosting peptides to reduce wrinkles and enhance tone and texture for up to 36 hours—the most effective anti-aging facial serum for uneven skin tone, dark spots, and hyperpigmentation.


  1. Fresh Face

Fresh skin and a new shade of lipstick are a great start to summer. It doesn’t matter if you are 25 or50, it’s hard not to smile when you find a shade of lipstick that is just right. There are two hot shades this season one, soft taupe/pink and the other a bold red. Try one you might like it. Start with a multifunctional foundation (moisturizer, sunscreen and foundation) These BB/CC crèmes save time and create a beautiful finish. I like Tint Plus it has a little more foundation than most.


A table with many items on it at an event.

KC Holiday Boutique



Join us inOverland Park, KS

November 9th,10th, 11th and 12th

A holiday boutique logo

KC Holiday Boutique

Thursday, November 9 10:00 am – 9:00 pm

Friday, November 10 10:00 am – 9:00 pm
Ladies Night Out 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Saturday, November 11 10:00 am – 9:00 pm
Mother Daughter Night 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Sunday, November 12 10:00 am – 5:00 pm

Overland Park Convention Center

Overland Park, KS

Booth# 4503

Pure Love

A picture of some olives and an olive tree.

In need of a new facial cleanser?! Look no further! â¤PURE LOVE â¤nourishes your skin, takes off the makeup and dirt from your busy day and is ALL NATURAL!