We love animals and would never, ever test our products on them! We are cruelty-free. Here are pics of a few of our current rescues!
How do I use Divine skin hydrator?
Divine skin hydrator is an In Shower Body Moisturizer. In the shower, after cleansing, apply quarter size amounts of Divine skin hydrator to dry areas of your skin, then lightly rinse off excess and gently towel dry. This should be the last thing you do before stepping out of the shower so that you don’t rinse off too much Divine skin hydrator. Watch a video on how to use Divine skin hydrator on our Videos page.
As skin gets older and drier you may find yourself needing to moisturize more frequently. This is why Divine Skin Hydrator was developed, to help women over 40 improve their skin!
My skin is extra dry and even itchy. What would you recommend?
Is your skin itchy and dry almost all the time? Does it seem like the problem has gotten worse as you have gotten older? Maybe you have experienced problems with ashy skin your whole life. Are you tired of trying product after product and getting little to no relief? Divine skin hydrator is the answer you have been waiting for!
If your skin is extra dry, shower and pat dry, then apply Divine skin hydrator to dry areas and massage in. Do not rinse off excess! It is important that you always apply Divine skin hydrator to damp skin. If your skin becomes dry and irritated during the day, simply dampen the area and gently massage in a few drops of Divine skin hydrator to feel immediate relief. Watch a video about how to use Divine skin hydrator here. With regular use, you will experience softer and more supple skin.
How often should I use Divine skin hydrator?
Dry skin is a problem experienced by many people. You may have tried many solutions in the past which may have worked for a while or just didn’t solve your dry skin problem. Divine skin hydrator is a unique product, used in the shower, which has offered many dry skin sufferers real relief.
Divine skin hydrator can be used every day. In drier months, such as during the winter, or in drier climates, using Divine skin hydrator daily is a must. As the weather becomes more humid, a few times a week may suffice. Of course, if you experience any irritation, discontinue use immediately, but since Divine has been tested on some of the most sensitive people we could find, it’s unlikely you will experience any problems.
When you have finished showering, pat your skin lightly with a towel, then apply a small amount of Divine skin hydrator to your body where you are experiencing dryness and itchiness (watch a video to learn how to apply Divine here). Your skin should feel less tight, softer and more supple right away!
How soon will I see results from using Divine skin hydrator?
Your skin is dry, so you scratch, or you resist the scratching and sit there in misery. Either option is not good! If you scratch, you can get ugly welts or even damage your skin to the point where you have to seek medical help. If you don’t scratch, you go CRAZY! There has to be a better solution!
Divine skin hydrator is that solution! When you finish your daily shower (never take a hot shower as this just makes your dry skin problem worse!), pat your skin gently with a towel. Then apply a small amount of Divine skin hydrator to the areas of your body which are dry (watch a video here). Your skin should feel smoother and softer immediately! Daily use results have shown significant changes within a week. Each person’s skin is different, so results will vary. Remember, always apply Divine skin hydrator to damp skin. Divine helps lock the moisture in your skin, helping to restore your skin’s Natural Moisture Factor. Dry skin problems will become a distant memory for you as your skin becomes softer and more supple.
Will I have any reaction to Divine skin hydrator?
When we were developing a solution to the dry skin problems that many women experience due to menopause, we wanted to be sure that Divine skin hydrator was as reaction-free as possible. Therefore, we spent a lot of time testing our product.
Divine skin hydrator has been tested on some of the most sensitive people we could find. Our product is unscented, so this greatly reduces possible negative reactions. Most of our testers are over 40 years old with year-round dry skin problems. Our product has also been tested on women aged 19-23 who have also had positive results. In the event that you should experience any irritation from using Divine skin hydrator, stop using the product immediately.
I noticed my skin began to change with Menopause and changing hormones. My skin was always a little dry at times, but now it is dry all the time. How can Divine skin hydrator help me?
With the onset of menopause, many women experience dry skin issues, even if they have never had dry skin before. If you have begun suffering from dry skin as your hormones have changed with Menopause, Divine skin hydrator was developed specifically for you. For skin that has become constantly dry, use Divine skin hydrator immediately after showering and do not rinse off excess. This will help keep moisture in your skin and promote all-day relief. Divine skin hydrator is unscented and has been tested on some of the most sensitive people we could find. Remember, always apply to damp skin, and use small amounts of product. To learn more about how Menopause affects your skin, click here.
What is Natural Moisture Factor?
Natural Moisture Factor (NMF) is found in the upper layer of our skin and is what helps our skin stay soft and supple. Divine skin hydrator was developed to help restore your skin’s NMF and helps to lock in the moisture. Women often experience dry, tight and itchy skin with the onset of menopause, even if their skin was never dry before. Divine skin hydrator has been specifically formulated to address these very issues. As an in-shower body moisturizer, Divine offers soothing relief to your dry skin problem. Our page on Menopause describes how your skin is changing and gives a nice tutorial on Natural Moisture Factor.
What is Sodium PCA?
Divine skin hydrator has been formulated to address these problems, and it contains some really special ingredients which work together to finally bring real relief. A couple of these remarkable ingredients include Sodium PCA, one of the components of the Natural Moisture Factor (NMF) found in your skin. Along with Vitamin B5 (Panthenol), also found in Divine skin hydrator, these ingredients help hold the water in our skin cells. Once the water is retained in your cells, you will find your dry skin symptoms disappearing, allowing you to concentrate on the things you really enjoy in your life.
With menopause comes a variety of changes in your body (some are welcome, and some are not so welcome!). One of the biggest complaints women have at this time of life is the dry skin that occurs. It seems that no matter what you do, your skin just gets drier and drier, often accompanied by itching, tightness and general discomfort.How do I use Rough Love body scrub?
Gone are the days when you have to pay exorbitant prices at a fancy spa to have your skin exfoliated. Now you can get the same results for just pennies on the dollar with Rough Love body scrub! Spoil yourself at home by creating a home spa in your bathroom – all you need is a little soft music, a warm bath or shower, some soft towels, maybe a few candles – and a little “you” time!
Rough Love body scrub is a “salt mud” fusion created to gently exfoliate your dead skin cells, leaving your skin softer and smoother than you ever imagined. This is not your ordinary scrub with just a tiny amount of grit – it actually works! Ingredients include Arctic peat, wasabi and Japanese mushroom extracts, all helping to remove impurities and debris in your skin. Arctic cloudberry seed oil, with its essential fatty acids, also hydrates the skin – just what you need with the dry skin often experienced with Menopause.
You may use Rough Love body scrub in the shower or tub. Apply a generous amount of scrub, massaging into your skin in gentle circles. Rinse with warm water. For an even better experience, leave your skin damp after rinsing the body scrub off, then apply a small amount of Divine skin hydrator to lock in moisture. Divine skin hydrator has been specially designed to help dry skin sufferers enjoy softer, more hydrated skin. Rough Love body scrub is especially wonderful for calloused heels and rough elbows; however, do not use Rough Love body scrub on your face.
Now you can enjoy a day spa experience whenever you like with Rough Love body scrub. Your friends will wonder why your skin is so beautiful and glowing – just tell them you enjoyed a little Rough Love this morning!
How often should I use Rough Love body scrub and how soon will I see results?
One of the most commonly experienced symptoms of Menopause is dry skin. It itches, it flakes, it looks ashy – and all you want is relief – NOW!
One of the very best things you can do for your skin is to regularly exfoliate. And if you have been to a spa lately, you know the prices for body treatments are through the roof. Now you can get the relief you need at home, with Rough Love body scrub. It’s affordable and it works, because it actually has grit in it, unlike other scrubs. Our body scrub sloughs off dead skin cells and leaves your skin feeling softer and smoother immediately. Ingredients like wasabi, Japanese mushroom extracts and Arctic peat all assist in removing skin debris and impurities, while you will experience more hydrated skin from the essential fatty acids in the Arctic cloudberry seed oil.
Rough Love body scrub can be used 1-5 times a week depending on the individual. If your dry, menopausal skin could use even more hydration, try following Rough Love body scrub with Divine skin hydrator. Divine is an in shower body moisturizer which offers all day relief from dryness, itching and irritation. Click the link to learn more about what Divine skin hydrator is and how it works.
Will I have any reaction to using Rough Love body scrub?
Using a new body scrub can make you a bit apprehensive. After all, you are scrubbing off a layer of dead skin cells in hopes of revealing softer, smoother skin. And every scrub is a little different, containing various ingredients as well as differing amounts of “grit”.
Rough Love body scrub is formulated as a “salt mud” fusion, combining Natural Sea Salt and Colloidal Fresh Water Silts, Arctic Peat, Wasabi, Japanese Mushroom Extracts and Arctic Cloudberry Seed Oil. This scrub offers just the right amount of grit to remove those dead skin cells which make your skin look flaky and often feel itchy. Of course each person’s skin is different. Sensitive skin generally falls into two categories: skin that is irritated by something physical, such as scratching your arm, or skin that is irritated from something you come in contact with, such as an irritating soap or allergic reaction to strawberries. If a particular scrub irritates your skin, discontinue use if you experience negative results.
How do I use Tint Plus tinted moisturizer?
As we age, our skin develops fine lines and wrinkles and often becomes drier. Moisturizing our skin becomes a top priority with the onset of Menopause, and finding a makeup that doesn’t settle into those lines and wrinkles is really important. Tint Plus tinted moisturizer is just the product you have been seeking!
After you have cleansed and dried your face, apply Tint Plus tinted moisturizer to your skin. It offers lightweight coverage and gives your skin that moisture it needs to help your complexion look fresh and dewy. You may apply your usual foundation on top of Tint Plus tinted moisturizer for additional coverage if desired. For your convenience, Tint Plus comes in three shades, light, medium and dark.
Does Tint Plus tinted moisturizer contain a sunscreen?
If there’s one thing we have learned, it’s that sunscreen is not an option – it is mandatory! Years ago, we just didn’t realize the importance of the daily application of sunscreen, especially on our faces. Even if you abused your skin as a teen, you should still utilize a good sunscreen each and every day to protect your skin from the damaging rays of the sun. Mature skin and sunscreen go hand in hand!
Perhaps you already have a makeup regimen that lasts longer than you would like. Tint Plus tinted moisturizer saves you a step, because it combines an excellent moisturizer with a tint which helps cover imperfections, along with a skin protecting SPF 20. It is the perfect product to help protect your skin and help you look more beautiful all at the same time! Menopause is the perfect time to really protect your skin from the sun, each and every day!
Does Tint Plus tinted moisturizer come in different shades?
Tint Plus tinted moisturizer comes in three shades: Light, Medium and Dark. Tint Plus is lightweight and sheer, so you should be able to find a close match which offers nice coverage. Better yet, Tint Plus has been formulated so that it does not settle into the fine lines and creases on your beautiful mature face! It enhances your natural beauty with a lovely, natural look. If you desire, you may apply your regular foundation after applying Tint Plus to give you more coverage.
Have you been looking all over for a moisturizer that comes in different shades so you can match your complexion? Do you need a little more coverage than what is offered with other products, but would appreciate a lightweight, silky texture? Look no further, becauseWhat is Warm Love facial mask?
Looking for a really cool new facial masque? Warm Love is an indulgent pumpkin exfoliating masque created just for your face. Aging skin needs gentle treatment and is often in need of extra moisture. Warm Love offers both!
Pumpkin, papaya and pineapple enzymes are a few of the natural ingredients in Warm Love which combine together to create a fragrant, soothing masque which smooths and brightens your complexion. Gently massage a small amount of the product on your face using damp fingertips, enjoying the tantalizing bouquet of scents as Warm Love slowly becomes warmer on your skin. It is an experience you will not soon forget! And the results you will see in the mirror will not disappoint – smoother looking skin and a brightened complexion. Learn more about Warm Love facial masque by clicking here.
How do I use Warm Love pumpkin exfoliating mask?
The “How-to” list for correctly using a facial masque is not a very long list! First, choose a masque that has the perfect amount of grit to give you some results. The masque should exfoliate well, but it should also add moisture to your face which is often dry due to the effects of menopause on your skin. A masque with a pleasant fragrance is also an added bonus. Warm Love facial masque answers all these needs, perfect for smoothing and purifying your skin.
Apply the masque to your face with damp fingertips; as you gently rub Warm Love facial masque in circular motions, you will begin to feel a warming sensation, a sign that the product is actually doing something! You should also experience a slightly gritty texture and enjoy its wonderful pumpkin fragrance. After a few minutes (you may not want to stop!), gently wash your face as you normally would. Take a look in the mirror – your freshly exfoliated skin should be glowing! Using Warm Love facial masque is a wonderful way to unwind from your stressful day, preparing your skin for your nighttime moisturizing ritual. Relax and enjoy!
Why are pumpkin enzymes good for my skin?
As women go through menopause, they experience a variety of changes in their bodies and in their skin. Maybe you are experiencing some of these changes right now. And there’s nowhere that you notice skin changes more than on your face! You may be noticing your skin is rougher in appearance and in feel, and that your skin simply drinks in the moisturizers you use.
One of the best things you can do for your complexion is to regularly use a facial masque. The ingredients used in facial masques vary from product to product. As we age, our new skin cells are produced more slowly and old cell exfoliate slower, leaving our skin’s surface a little rougher and less able to hold moisture. Warm Love facial masque contains several special ingredients, one of which is pumpkin enzymes. The pumpkin enzymes work to digest the old, dead skin cells. Think of the Dow scrubbing bubbles commercial, with the scrubbing bubbles gobbling up the dirt – that is similar to how the pumpkin enzymes work, accompanied by the papain and bromelain enzymes (from papaya and pineapple), which assist in the exfoliating of the dead skin cells.
What is the gritty stuff I feel in Warm Love, and why does it feel warm when I apply to my face?
One of the things we dislike most is purchasing a new facial masque, only to find out that it has no “grit” or “scrub” to it! What a waste of money! So when we decided to add a facial mask to our line of products, we wanted to make sure it really worked. Warm Love gives you the results you are looking for.
The gritty texture of Warm Love pumpkin exfoliating masque comes from a substance called Zeolite. Zeolite is a natural mineral which gently warms while being massaged on your face with your wet fingertips. With menopause your skin doesn’t lose its layer of dead skin cells as quickly, leaving your face feeling tight and dry. The best solution to bring your skin back to its former soft and glowing look is to exfoliate regularly. What are you waiting for? Reward yourself with a beautiful and hydrated complexion with Warm Love today! Read more about this fabulous new product here.
How often can I use Warm Love?
If you are a woman who has begun menopause, it is likely that you are experiencing a lot of dry skin issues. This is because as we age, our skin doesn’t naturally exfoliate as quickly as it did when we were younger. The skin on our bodies and our faces becomes dry and tight. One of the best ways to combat dryness and flakiness is by using an exfoliator. But you don’t want to use just any exfoliator – you want one which is gentle on your skin but that has enough “grit” in it to actually do its job.
In order to get the soft and dewy look you used to see in the mirror, you need to use a facial masque developed just for your face. Albertini International offers Warm Love facial masque, an indulgent exfoliating mask with a lovely pumpkin scent. Many people enjoy using Warm Love facial masque 1-2 times a week, but it is gentle enough to be used every day. Try it and see the difference!
How soon will I see results from using Warm Love?
Aging skin often equals dry skin. The best way to combat this problem is to exfoliate your skin regularly. Warm Love pumpkin exfoliating facial masque is the answer to this problem. Along with a stimulating pumpkin fragrance, you will experience a warming sensation as you gently rub the masque into your skin. The immediate results from using Warm Love include a renewed smoothness and hydration to your skin. With regular use, Warm Love dissolves and exfoliates dead skin cells in addition to helping unclog pores. This results in better skin texture and promotes cell regeneration.
With all the crazy side effects you can experience during menopause, the last thing you need is to look in the mirror and see dry, flaky skin which just accentuates fine wrinkles and lines. Get on the exfoliation bandwagon today and you will notice brighter, softer skin right away. Read more about our product’s natural ingredients and how to use Warm Love here.
Could I get a reaction from using Warm Love?
Using any new product on your skin and especially your face can be a little worrisome – especially if you are new to the world of exfoliation. As your skin ages, it often becomes more dry and flaky because the rate our skin sloughs off dead cells can nearly be cut in half! Dryness, itchiness and flakiness combine to make your complexion look unattractive and make you look years older than you really are. So exfoliation becomes really important during and after menopause, and choosing the right product is super important.
Warm Love pumpkin exfoliating masque is gentle on your skin, yet has enough grit in it to get the job done. Most people find that using it once or twice a week works well, but it can be used every day. It is unlikely you will have any negative results from using the product, but it is possible, as skin can react to many everyday things (e.g. milk, strawberries, etc.). We have tested our pumpkin masque on the most sensitive people we could find, ones we know whose skin is easily irritated. If you are a highly sensitive person, we recommend you do a test spot on the side of your jaw or arm to check for sensitivity. Discontinue use if irritation occurs.
You can read about the ingredients contained in Warm Love and learn more about how to use the product here.
What is Ageless Sun?
Ageless Sun is the newest product in the Albertini International line. This product was designed specifically for you, a special formulation for the face and body which gradually provides a deep, natural-looking tan without sun exposure.
If you are dealing with aging skin’s wrinkles, lines and dryness, the last thing you need is to make things worse with more sun!!! Women over age 40 looking for a safe way to attain that summertime glow that makes you look oh-so-wonderful know that sunless tanning is the smart way to tan.Ageless Sun sunless tanner lets you achieve a natural tan appearance (bronzing glow) without damaging your skin. It allows you to build your tan the way you like it – gradually building from a light glow to a darker tan – you control it! Wondering about the best way to apply sunless tanner? Read our article “Self-Tanning Tips” for all the ins-and-outs on what steps to take and exactly how to apply our tanner to get the best results. Another great benefit to using Ageless Sun is that it has very little smell, so you won’t find that it is fighting with your perfume. Give Ageless Sun a try this summer – your skin will thank you!
Will this make me look orange?
Ageless Sun sunless tanner has been formulated with a base color of bronze, so you shouldn’t experience that old-fashioned orange shade of tan.
If you are a first-time user of a self-tanner, or you have a bathroom shelf full of tanners you’ve tried in the past, there are certain things you need to know before trying to achieve that beautiful bronze tan you desire. One of the biggest fears is that you might end up looking an odd Oompa Loompa shade of orange! Nobody wants that. No worries,Another fear is that your tan will end up splotchy and streaky. This is where application comes into play, along with proper preparation of your skin before tanning. First, if your skin is dry and rough your self-tanner will absorb unevenly. Start with exfoliating the areas you intend to self-tan (Rough Love body scrub is great for the body, while Warm Love pumpkin mask gently exfoliates your face – both products smell great, too!) Moisturizing helps to even the porosity, allowing a smooth application resulting in a more uniform color. One of the best ways to hydrate your skin is by using Divine skin hydrator after showering. This wonderful in-shower body moisturizer makes sure your skin is smooth, hydrated and a perfect palette to receive the self-tanning lotion. Take some time applying Ageless Sun – work in small areas, gently rubbing the product on your skin. Be sure to include your hands and feet in this process! Don’t be surprised when you discover Ageless Sun has little to no smell – that’s another great thing about this tanner, it doesn’t fight with your perfume for attention!
Once you have applied Ageless Sun sunless tanner, your skin will begin to slowly develop a nice, even glow. How dark you get and how long your tan will last depends on the individual. Most users will enjoy applying a light coat of Ageless Sun every 3 to 5 days to keep their tan looking its best. You will also need to apply tanner more often to areas that you shave frequently.
We hope this article alleviates some of your apprehension of using a self-tanner. Try Ageless Sun the next time you are looking for a natural looking tan – fore more information about self-tanning, follow this link.
Will I streak?
Ageless Sun sunless tanner has been formulated with a base color of bronze, so you shouldn’t experience that old-fashioned orange shade of tan.
If you are a first-time user of a self-tanner, or you have a bathroom shelf full of tanners you’ve tried in the past, there are certain things you need to know before trying to achieve that beautiful bronze tan you desire. One of the biggest fears is that you might end up looking an odd Oompa Loompa shade of orange! Nobody wants that. No worries,Another fear is that your tan will end up splotchy and streaky. This is where application comes into play, along with proper preparation of your skin before tanning. First, if your skin is dry and rough your self-tanner will absorb unevenly. Start with exfoliating the areas you intend to self-tan (Rough Love body scrub is great for the body, while Warm Love pumpkin mask gently exfoliates your face – both products smell great, too!) Moisturizing helps to even the porosity, allowing a smooth application resulting in a more uniform color. One of the best ways to hydrate your skin is by using Divine skin hydrator after showering. This wonderful in-shower body moisturizer makes sure your skin is smooth, hydrated and a perfect palette to receive the self-tanning lotion. Take some time applying Ageless Sun – work in small areas, gently rubbing the product on your skin. Be sure to include your hands and feet in this process! Don’t be surprised when you discover Ageless Sun has little to no smell – that’s another great thing about this tanner, it doesn’t fight with your perfume for attention!
Once you have applied Ageless Sun sunless tanner, your skin will begin to slowly develop a nice, even glow. How dark you get and how long your tan will last depends on the individual. Most users will enjoy applying a light coat of Ageless Sun every 3 to 5 days to keep their tan looking its best. You will also need to apply tanner more often to areas that you shave frequently.
We hope this article alleviates some of your apprehension of using a self-tanner. Try Ageless Sun the next time you are looking for a natural looking tan – fore more information about self-tanning, follow this link.
Why do I need to moisturize my hands and feet first?
Ageless Sun sunless tanner has been formulated with a base color of bronze, so you shouldn’t experience that old-fashioned orange shade of tan.
If you are a first-time user of a self-tanner, or you have a bathroom shelf full of tanners you’ve tried in the past, there are certain things you need to know before trying to achieve that beautiful bronze tan you desire. One of the biggest fears is that you might end up looking an odd Oompa Loompa shade of orange! Nobody wants that. No worries,Another fear is that your tan will end up splotchy and streaky. This is where application comes into play, along with proper preparation of your skin before tanning. First, if your skin is dry and rough your self-tanner will absorb unevenly. Start with exfoliating the areas you intend to self-tan (Rough Love body scrub is great for the body, while Warm Love pumpkin mask gently exfoliates your face – both products smell great, too!) Moisturizing helps to even the porosity, allowing a smooth application resulting in a more uniform color. One of the best ways to hydrate your skin is by using Divine skin hydrator after showering. This wonderful in-shower body moisturizer makes sure your skin is smooth, hydrated and a perfect palette to receive the self-tanning lotion. Take some time applying Ageless Sun – work in small areas, gently rubbing the product on your skin. Be sure to include your hands and feet in this process! Don’t be surprised when you discover Ageless Sun has little to no smell – that’s another great thing about this tanner, it doesn’t fight with your perfume for attention!
Once you have applied Ageless Sun sunless tanner, your skin will begin to slowly develop a nice, even glow. How dark you get and how long your tan will last depends on the individual. Most users will enjoy applying a light coat of Ageless Sun every 3 to 5 days to keep their tan looking its best. You will also need to apply tanner more often to areas that you shave frequently.
We hope this article alleviates some of your apprehension of using a self-tanner. Try Ageless Sun the next time you are looking for a natural looking tan – fore more information about self-tanning, follow this link.
How long will my tan last?
Ageless Sun sunless tanner has been formulated with a base color of bronze, so you shouldn’t experience that old-fashioned orange shade of tan.
If you are a first-time user of a self-tanner, or you have a bathroom shelf full of tanners you’ve tried in the past, there are certain things you need to know before trying to achieve that beautiful bronze tan you desire. One of the biggest fears is that you might end up looking an odd Oompa Loompa shade of orange! Nobody wants that. No worries,Another fear is that your tan will end up splotchy and streaky. This is where application comes into play, along with proper preparation of your skin before tanning. First, if your skin is dry and rough your self-tanner will absorb unevenly. Start with exfoliating the areas you intend to self-tan (Rough Love body scrub is great for the body, while Warm Love pumpkin mask gently exfoliates your face – both products smell great, too!) Moisturizing helps to even the porosity, allowing a smooth application resulting in a more uniform color. One of the best ways to hydrate your skin is by using Divine skin hydrator after showering. This wonderful in-shower body moisturizer makes sure your skin is smooth, hydrated and a perfect palette to receive the self-tanning lotion. Take some time applying Ageless Sun – work in small areas, gently rubbing the product on your skin. Be sure to include your hands and feet in this process! Don’t be surprised when you discover Ageless Sun has little to no smell – that’s another great thing about this tanner, it doesn’t fight with your perfume for attention!
Once you have applied Ageless Sun sunless tanner, your skin will begin to slowly develop a nice, even glow. How dark you get and how long your tan will last depends on the individual. Most users will enjoy applying a light coat of Ageless Sun every 3 to 5 days to keep their tan looking its best. You will also need to apply tanner more often to areas that you shave frequently.
We hope this article alleviates some of your apprehension of using a self-tanner. Try Ageless Sun the next time you are looking for a natural looking tan – fore more information about self-tanning, follow this link.
How often should I apply to maintain my tan?
Ageless Sun sunless tanner has been formulated with a base color of bronze, so you shouldn’t experience that old-fashioned orange shade of tan.
If you are a first-time user of a self-tanner, or you have a bathroom shelf full of tanners you’ve tried in the past, there are certain things you need to know before trying to achieve that beautiful bronze tan you desire. One of the biggest fears is that you might end up looking an odd Oompa Loompa shade of orange! Nobody wants that. No worries,Another fear is that your tan will end up splotchy and streaky. This is where application comes into play, along with proper preparation of your skin before tanning. First, if your skin is dry and rough your self-tanner will absorb unevenly. Start with exfoliating the areas you intend to self-tan (Rough Love body scrub is great for the body, while Warm Love pumpkin mask gently exfoliates your face – both products smell great, too!) Moisturizing helps to even the porosity, allowing a smooth application resulting in a more uniform color. One of the best ways to hydrate your skin is by using Divine skin hydrator after showering. This wonderful in-shower body moisturizer makes sure your skin is smooth, hydrated and a perfect palette to receive the self-tanning lotion. Take some time applying Ageless Sun – work in small areas, gently rubbing the product on your skin. Be sure to include your hands and feet in this process! Don’t be surprised when you discover Ageless Sun has little to no smell – that’s another great thing about this tanner, it doesn’t fight with your perfume for attention!
Once you have applied Ageless Sun sunless tanner, your skin will begin to slowly develop a nice, even glow. How dark you get and how long your tan will last depends on the individual. Most users will enjoy applying a light coat of Ageless Sun every 3 to 5 days to keep their tan looking its best. You will also need to apply tanner more often to areas that you shave frequently.
We hope this article alleviates some of your apprehension of using a self-tanner. Try Ageless Sun the next time you are looking for a natural looking tan – fore more information about self-tanning, follow this link.
What is Pure Love?
Pure Love is Albertini International’s answer for cleansing your face of makeup and other debris that accumulates during the day!
Thousands of years ago in the Mediterranean regions of Greece and Italy, ancient presses produced olive oil from native grown olive trees. Among the many uses discovered for this “liquid gold” was cosmetic use, and today’s modern cosmetic industry continues to utilize olive oil in many ways. Albertini International’s newest product, Pure Love, offers a facial cleanser which provides the moisturizing and softening benefits of olive oil, along with other natural oils and ingredients which combine to cleanse and condition the skin all in one step.
Pure Love may be used as your everyday cleanser! It’s great to use morning or night and removes all traces of makeup and impurities from your skin. If your skin is very oily and tends to break out a lot, we would not recommend that you use Pure Love.
If my skin is very oily and tends to break out a lot, should I use Pure Love?
Pure Love is Albertini International’s answer for cleansing your face of makeup and other debris that accumulates during the day!
Thousands of years ago in the Mediterranean regions of Greece and Italy, ancient presses produced olive oil from native grown olive trees. Among the many uses discovered for this “liquid gold” was cosmetic use, and today’s modern cosmetic industry continues to utilize olive oil in many ways. Albertini International’s newest product, Pure Love, offers a facial cleanser which provides the moisturizing and softening benefits of olive oil, along with other natural oils and ingredients which combine to cleanse and condition the skin all in one step.
Pure Love may be used as your everyday cleanser! It’s great to use morning or night and removes all traces of makeup and impurities from your skin. If your skin is very oily and tends to break out a lot, we would not recommend that you use Pure Love.
How often can I use Pure Love?
Pure Love is Albertini International’s answer for cleansing your face of makeup and other debris that accumulates during the day!
Thousands of years ago in the Mediterranean regions of Greece and Italy, ancient presses produced olive oil from native grown olive trees. Among the many uses discovered for this “liquid gold” was cosmetic use, and today’s modern cosmetic industry continues to utilize olive oil in many ways. Albertini International’s newest product, Pure Love, offers a facial cleanser which provides the moisturizing and softening benefits of olive oil, along with other natural oils and ingredients which combine to cleanse and condition the skin all in one step.
Pure Love may be used as your everyday cleanser! It’s great to use morning or night and removes all traces of makeup and impurities from your skin. If your skin is very oily and tends to break out a lot, we would not recommend that you use Pure Love.